Edhy Prabowo's Special Staff Admittedly Received Money Custody From The DPPP Boss
Edhy Prabowo (DOK. KPK)

JAKARTA - Edhy Prabowo's special staff, Safri Muis admitted that he had received money from the Director of PT Dua Putera Perkasa Pratama (PT DPPP), Suharjito.

Safri in the hearing told of his meeting with Suharjito and PT DPPP Ship Operations Manager, Agus Kurniyawanto. The meeting discussed the issue of export licensing for fry that had not been obtained.

"I said it was equipped with the documents that were submitted to the due diligence team", Safri said during a trial at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, February 24.

The prosecutor asked whether there was any giving or receiving of money to expedite the permit. Safri emphasized that there was no request or payment of money.

"No, sir. As far as I can remember, I never asked for money", said Safri.

However, Safri admitted that Suharjito had given him an 'entrusted' in the form of money. It's just that the money was given at the next meeting.

"At that time Suharjito entrusted money to me. I did not know the amount, but he did not know, just left the money for the main thing. I do not know how much", said Safri.

When asked by the prosecutor about the allocation of the money being entrusted, Safri admitted that he did not know. However, after the money was received, Edhy Prabowo's personal secretary named Amiril Mukminin asked about the entrusted.

"I think because he is a friend of the minister, sir, I will take it, I convey it to Pak Amiril", said Safri.

"(Submitted) to Amiril. Because at that time Amiril asked me to say, 'Is there any entrusted?' I said yes there was, and I submitted it", continued Safri.

The money was given, said Safri, in his office. This is because Amril's question about the entrusted was raised when the two met near his office.

"Yes, I think Amiril already knows, because he asked 'there is no entrusted', I said there was, I gave him. So (in his position) I came out of the toilet, met Amiril, then Amiril asked, then he went to my room, I handed over the money", said Safri.

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