BOGOR - The Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park Center (BBTNGGP) stated that the 13 pilgrims lost their way as they climbed Mount Gede Pangrango have been found.

Regarding the chronology, the Head of the TNGGP Center, Sapto Aji Prabowo, said that information related to community groups carrying out activities in the area and getting lost in Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park was obtained on Monday, 29 at 05.30 WIB from volunteers or volunteers in Panthera.

"Initial information we received from the field that the group is a community suspected of making a pilgrimage since January 27, 2024," said Sapto Aji Prabowo, in his statement, Monday, January 29.

Based on this information, his party took quick steps by deploying a team to conduct a search.

In the search, his party coordinated with the parties, among others, by involving national park officers, volunteer partners or volunteers, law enforcement officers, BPBD and BASARNAS in the Bogor and Jakarta regions, to take to the field.

The results of the team search in the field, at around 10:00 WIB, 13 survivors were found in the Pasir Pogor area, PTN Tapos TNGGP Resort with 11 people exhausted and 2 people sprained their legs.

"Furthermore, the survivors were taken to the PTN Tabos Resort office for further treatment, in the form of checking the health conditions and taking other necessary information," explained Sapto.

To note, there are officially three climbing doors in TNGGP, namely Cibodas, Gunung Putri, Cianjur and Selabintana, Sukabumi.

Currently, all climbing activities to Mount Gede and Mount Pangrango are closed from December 30, 2023 to March 31, 2024, in accordance with the Circular Letter of the Head of the TNGGP Center Number: SE. 23/BBTNGGP/Tek/B/12/2023 dated December 15, 2023.

The closure aims for the safety of visitors considering that the weather is predicted to be extreme and ecosystem recovery naturally without any disturbance from massive human activity, especially climbing.

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