JAKARTA - Presidential candidate Anies Baswedan agreed with the political contract offered by the Jakarta City Poor Network (JRMK) to be realized if he won the 2024 presidential election.

One of the political contracts that Anies Baswedan wants to realize is urban agrarian reform so that residents have clear land ownership.

"So there are many residents in urban areas where they already live in that place is degenerate but the lands do not have a clear legal status," said Anies Baswedan in Kampung Muka, Pademangan, North Jakarta, Monday, January 29.

Anies said that currently it is difficult for residents to apply for permits to take care of the sale and purchase of land due to legality problems.

"It is also difficult to manage permits, and most importantly if they want to move, want to sell, it's difficult. Because if they want to sell, they always ask how the legality of the land is," said Anies.

Anies is also committed to building decent housing for urban residents, especially the weak economy.

"In carrying out the constitution, we must remember, not only giving priority to citizens who have great economic capacity," said Anies Baswedan.

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