LombOK - A resident of Labuapi Village, Labuapi District, West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), was shocked by the discovery of the body of a man hanging inside the pulpit of a prayer room, Sunday, January 28 afternoon.

The man's name is Febri Aldiansah (22), from Nganjuk, East Java. He was first found by a resident named Syarifudin who wanted to fulfill the zuhur call to prayer. However, he was surprised to see the victim lying face down with his neck entangled in a cable.

"I wanted to pray for the call to prayer, but suddenly saw like someone sleeping. I called the neighbors to be witnesses. After I approached, it turned out that the person was entangled. I immediately helped him, but unfortunately it was too late," he said.

Another resident was then called in to help. They tried to cut the electrical cable that was entangled in the victim's neck, which was connected to the mosque's air ventilation window. However, unfortunately the victim was dead.

"The incident occurred around 12.00 WITA, when I was about to pray zuhur. I cut off the cable, trying to save it," he explained.

The head of Labuapi Village, Amanah, said that from the identity found in the victim's vehicle, he came from Nganjuk, East Java. The victim came to Labuapi Village allegedly looking for someone. However, because he did not meet, he decided to enter the prayer room.

"He first came here. According to information from the police, he worked in Abian. There was his family who followed and lived in the workshop," he said.

Amanah further emphasized that residents did not know the victim. He came with a motorbike that was entrusted to one of the residents, and there was no suspicious movement before the incident.

"No resident knows him and this is the first time he has come to Labuapi. The reason is that he came looking for Pak Ustaz, but Mr. Ustaz is not there, so he entered the prayer room," he concluded.

After the identification process by the West Lombok District Police, the victim's body was immediately taken to the Bhayangkara Hospital in Mataram City for an autopsy to determine the cause of the victim's death.

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