JAKARTA - Candidate for vice president number 1, Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) revealed that a number of his close friends have now turned and did not support him in the 2024 presidential election.
In fact, Cak Imin accused his friends of being bought by other presidential and vice-presidential pairs. However, the General Chairperson of the National Awakening Party did not mention who the friends or candidate pairs (paslon) were.
"Recently, there are some friends who forgot about me. In fact, he forgot my name as a friend because today there was another couple who broke it off, bought everything, including my close friends, bought it too. So, he forgot that he had a friend whose name was muhaimin," said Cak Imin in his speech at a volunteer declaration in South Jakarta, Sunday, January 28.
Not only his close friend, the grandson of the founder of Nahdlatul Ulama KH Bisri Syansyuri also accused the presidential and vice presidential candidate pair he also intended to buy a number of artists to voice his support.
"We know exactly how everything is done, how all efforts are made. But for AMIN, good goals must not be lawful at all costs, good goals must be carried out properly and must not be damaged by order," he said.
However, Cak Imin admitted that he was not discouraged by this condition. Because, he believes that there are still many parties who support him and the presidential candidate Anies Baswedan in the 2024 presidential election.
"I am grateful, one or two people are bought, there are still extraordinary colleagues who encourage, give strength, give hope, and God willing, we have a future. They are not them," explained the Deputy Speaker of the DPR.
After giving the statement, Cak Imin was asked who was the close friend he had bought, which was revealed in his speech. However, with a laugh, Cak Imin was reluctant to answer.
"Hahaha. Secrets, secrets. Many already know," he concluded.
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