SEMARANG - The pair of presidential candidates for vice president, Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka attended the grand campaign which took place at Pancasila Simpang Lima Field Semarang, Sunday afternoon. Carrying the theme "Kikab Kebangsaan", Prabowo, and Gibran and his wife Selvi Ananda, riding an open car from Taman Indonesia Kaya (ICT) to Simpang Lima, while distributing t-shirts. Behind it, there were a motorcade of open cars that were boarded by a number of political party leaders who were members of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition, supporters of Prabowo-Gibran. Among them, the General Chairperson of PAN Zulkifli Hasan, General Chairperson of Golkar Airlangga Hartarto, Chairman of the Democratic Party Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono, and Chairman of PSI Kaesang Pangarep. There were also motorcades of "influentors" and artists, such as Baim Wong, Paula Verhoeven, Bertrand Antholin, and Ria Ricis who also boarded an open car to Simpang Lima Field. The rows of performers wearing various interesting costumes also participated in the procession, combined with various attributes and coalition political party flags that filled the campaign location. As soon as he got to the stage, Prabowo immediately raised his hand to greet the people present, followed by Gibran, and a number of coalition political party leaders who followed up to the stage. On the first occasion, PAN Chairman Zulkifli Hasan delivered an oration, including President Jokowi's programs and his optimism that the 2024 General Election will take place in one round. "Pak Prabowo-Gibran will help our children healthy, provide free lunch, plus free milk," he said, greeted by the screams of Prabowo-Gibran from the people present. After that, it was the turn of the General Chairperson of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, to also inform Jokowi's program, such as toll roads that make access to public transportation easier. "In the past (passing, ed.) Jakarta-Semarang how many hours? 10 hours. Now how many hours? 5 hours? Continue the program?," he said, which was immediately greeted by shouts "continue" from the participants present. The General Election Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia on November 14, 2023, has determined three pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates to be participants in the 2024 presidential election. The three of them are the Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar pair with serial number 1, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka number 2, and Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD number 3.
The KPU has also set a campaign period from November 28, 2023 to February 10, 2024, then the voting schedule will be on February 14, 2024.

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