BENGKULU - The Bengkulu City Government (Pemkot) has prepared IDR 700 million for the capital assistance program for business, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the region.
Head of the Cooperatives and Small, Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Office of Bengkulu City, Nurlia Dewi, said that the aid funds would be channeled through cooperatives in their respective urban villages.
"For now, we have prepared a maximum of IDR 100 million for a cooperative, but later it will be adjusted to the proposal submitted by the cooperative itself," said Nurlia in Bengkulu City, Antara, Sunday, January 28.
The Rp700 million budget came from the refund of the previous cooperatives which had been assisted by the Bengkulu City Government.
Nurlia explained that cooperatives that need assistance can complete the required files and submit proposals to the Bengkulu City Cooperatives and SMEs Service.
This is done so that the Cooperatives and SMEs Service can carry out verification to ensure the requirements owned by cooperatives that apply in accordance with applicable regulations.
"We hope that cooperatives can submit proposals to us. So that the funds can be rolled out and keep in mind that this assistance can be disbursed during cooperatives that apply to meet the requirements, because we will select them first," he said.
With this assistance, he hopes that cooperatives that receive assistance can increase the economic growth of the community from the cooperative sector to increase.
Meanwhile, Head of the Regional Office (Kanwil) of the Bengkulu Treasury Directorate (DJPb), Bayu Andy Prasetya, appealed to all MSME actors to take advantage of the People's Business Credit (KUR) program to improve the community's economy.
This is because in 2024 Bengkulu Province will receive a budget allocation for KUR of IDR 4 trillion.
"Nationally, the central government has prepared a budget of up to IDR 300 trillion for the distribution of KUR 2024 and Bengkulu Province is predicted to receive an allocation of around IDR 3 trillion to IDR 4 trillion," he said.
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