NGANJUK - The wife of the presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo, Siti Atikoh voiced resistance against those who intimidate and use power to scare opponents in the 2024 presidential election. Everyone must be brave and join hands to gather strength.

He conveyed this when speaking in front of PDIP volunteers and cadres at the PDIP DPC Nganjuk, East Java today, January 28. Initially, Atikoh asked the volunteers and cadres present to come to the polling station (TPS) with family and friends to choose the number three pair, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD.

"It will certainly affect the state journey in the next five years. So this is how we fight for the nation and state, how we fight for our children and grandchildren so that they get a better life," said Atikoh at the location.

"Use the right to vote, invite you, neighbors, friends, whoever it is to choose Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD," he continued.

Apart from choosing, Atikoh also asked everyone to maintain solidity. Do not let any parties try to intimidate or use their power.

When someone tries to intimidate, when someone tries to use power, when someone tries to scare us but when we Indonesian people join hands, just hit them. Ready? " he said.

"Ready!" said the volunteers and cadres present.

"Aren't you afraid?" asked Atikoh.


"Aren't you afraid?" asked Atikoh a second time.


Still on the same occasion, Atikoh asked volunteers and cadres to socialize Ganjar-Mahfud's work program. In addition, they were also asked to make sure voters saw the track record of candidate pairs.

"Why when choosing a president must really understand the track record that must be chosen. As Mas Ganjar said, this is not about Ganjar. This is not about Mahfud but about Indonesia," he concluded.

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