BLITAR - The wife of the presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo, Siti Atikoh, said that social-minded sociopreneurs or entrepreneurs have the potential to be implemented in the country. As long as the government provides support.

This was conveyed by Atikoh while traveling around Kampung Brown in Blitar, East Java today, Saturday, January 27. There, he knows that educational tourist attractions, which are also a brown factory, have absorbed hundreds of workers from around so that they could be examples of sociopreneurs.

"Actually, it is very potential, yes (sociopreneur is applied in Indonesia, ed). With sociopreuneruship, there is an environmental development," Atikoh told reporters.

Atikoh said that sociopreneurs can absorb labor. So that it helps the government alleviate poverty because it creates as many jobs as possible.

However, there must be several things that the government does. For example, continued Atikoh, about facilitating licensing.

"It must be made easier, it must be accompanied, not to make it difficult, one of which is because in efforts like this the government must be present," he said.

"So it is not difficult for licensing but accompanying what needs to be present by the government, on which side. The side, for example, regarding the AMDAL, what must be efficiency, must be simplified," continued Atikoh.

The second thing that must be done is to prepare training. The government must attend. Later, if the productivity is high, the company gets better, this also opens wider job opportunities, so it is not only enjoyed by entrepreneurs but also the community and this nation," he concluded.

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