PAPUA - PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Papua Maluku temporarily suspended the distribution of fuel oil (BBM) to Intan Jaya, Central Papua, due to security disturbances on January 19-23, 2024. Area Manager Communication, Relations and CSR Pertamina Patra Niaga Papua Regional Maluku Edi Mangun said that currently all flights with the aim of Intan Jaya Regency were stopped, including flights transporting Pertamina's fuel. "We are forced to temporarily stop the distribution to the Intan Jaya gas station, this is related to safety and security aspects, as well as recommendations from the security forces," he said in Jayapura, Antara, Friday, January 26. According to Edi, in Intan Jaya Regency, there are two affected distribution agencies, namely in Sugapa and Homeyo. "For this distribution, using aircraft transportation modes from Jayapura," he said. He explained that his party would distribute it when the situation was conducive and the airport had reopened. "Currently, the stock of fuel to be sent is ready at Sentani Airport, Jayapura Regency and waiting for the operation of Intan Jaya Airport to be reopened by airport authorities," he said. He added that Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Papua Maluku hopes that the situation can be conducive again soon so that the distribution of fuel can run normally and gas stations can immediately provide services to the community.
"We continue to coordinate with the security forces and the Intan Jaya Regency Government regarding the situation and security conditions there, we hope that the situation can be conducive soon so that distribution can run again," he said again.

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