JAKARTA - KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari said that until now around 99 percent of the ballots had been sorted and folded so it was just waiting to be packaged and put in ballot boxes.

"In the not too distant future, early February will be pushed so that at the predetermined time of D-1 or one day before the voting day, ballot boxes containing equipment, voting and vote counting have arrived at their respective polling stations (voting stations)," said Hasyim as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, January 25.

Hasyim explained that there are 820,161 polling stations for the 2024 General Election. Each TPS there are seven polling group officers (KPPS) so that the total number of KPPS officers on duty during the 2024 General Election is 5,741,127 people.

To the KPPS officers who were sworn in today, Hasyim also reminded them to work professionally according to the code of ethics of the election organizers.

"Please understand this later by friends of the district/city KPU, PPK (district election committee), PPS (voting committee), to KPPS members to work with integrity, professional, independent, transparent, and accountable," said Hasyim.

He hopes that KPPS officers can work together to improve the quality of KPU services, especially to voters in exercising their voting rights at polling stations.

"Therefore, we ask all KPPS members throughout Indonesia to maintain election integrity and also maintain the originality or authenticity of voter choice expressions, from polling stations to the end of the recapitulation of vote count results at the national level and determination of election results at the national level in accordance with voter expressions at polling stations later on February 14, 2024," said Hasyim Asy'ari.

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