JAKARTA - The Chinese and Singaporean governments have agreed on visa-free rules for 30 days for both citizens starting February 9, 2024, the day before the Lunar New Year holiday.

"The agreement will take effect on February 9, 2024. Since then, passport holders from both countries can enter other countries and stay no more than 30 days without visas," said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin when delivering a statement to the media in Beijing, China., January 25.

The free agreement for the two citizens complements the previous policy in which China had implemented a visa-free policy for 15 days for Singaporeans since early July 2023, but ordinary Chinese passport holders had to apply for visas to enter Singapore.

"The enactment of the agreement before the Chinese New Year entering the Year of the Year is a new year gift for the people of the two countries," added Wang Wenbin. The Chinese government has set the Lunar New Year holiday to be held on 10-17 February 2024.

With the visa-free agreement, Wang Wenbin said, it is hoped that it will further increase cultural and public exchanges between China and Singapore as well as encourage progress in bilateral relations and cooperation in various fields.

"China attaches great importance to the exchange between people and Singapore," said Wang Wenbin, calling the visa-free agreement only signed on Thursday (25/1).

Free visas apply to visitors traveling for business, traveling, visiting friends and family or other personal matters. However, if you are working or staying for more than 30 days, you still have to apply for a visa.

More than 3.5 million Chinese tourists visited Singapore in 2019, but the number of tourists after the pandemic has not returned to that level. Based on Singapore Tourism Board data, in the January-November 2023 period, Singapore only received 37 percent of tourists from mainland China from the number of tourists in 2019.

China has also implemented 15 days free unilateral visas for other countries, namely France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Japan, Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia.

The Chinese government's goal in implementing this policy is to make more tourists and international travel through China.

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