JAMBI - Coordination Meeting for emergency handling of floods and landslides in Jambi Province recorded that 576 villages in Jambi were affected by flooding only in January 2024.

Regional Secretary of Jambi Province, Sudirman said that in Jambi Province there were at least 576 villages or sub-districts in 87 sub-districts that were affected by the flood and there were still many people who were not willing to evacuate because of security problems and also related to property.

Related to that, the Jambi Provincial Government made several efforts to deal with flood disasters, namely firstly continuing to monitor weather conditions whose information was always updated from the BMKG.

Second, he continued, coordinating with related parties from all regions to provide equipment, carry out emergency handling, evacuate affected victims, establish refugee camps, public kitchens and health service posts.

Sudirman also acknowledged that the availability of logistical assistance is currently very limited to meet the needs of flood-affected communities in several areas.

However, for flood logistical assistance, the Jambi Province BPBD has distributed it to Kerinci Regency, Sungai Penuh City, Jambi City, Merangin Regency, Sarolangun, Bungo, Tebo, Batanghari and East Tanjab and Muaro Jambi.

"For the assistance of residents affected by the flood, it has been distributed to 10 regencies/cities which includes assistance for family hygiene packages, food equipment, side dishes and others," he said during a meeting, Thursday, January 25, which was confiscated by Antara.

This coordination meeting took place at the Jambi Governor's Office House Auditorium and was attended by BNPB Deputy Fajar Setiawan, Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Rusdi Hartono, Danrem 042/Gapu Brigadier General Rachmad and related parties.

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