Malang Resort Police (Polres) conducted an investigation into the alleged domestic violence (KDRT) case that caused the victim to die, namely a woman with the initials DS aged 41 years. The victim was forced to drink floor cleaning liquid by her husband.

Malang Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Gandha Syah Hidayat confirmed that the police received information related to the incident at around 01.20 WIB in the morning. "The information was received by officers at 01.20 WIB, and came to the scene of the alleged case of domestic violence which resulted in the victim being admitted to the hospital and later died," said Gandha as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, January 25. The incident occurred at Perum Bumi Mondoroko Raya (BMR) Block GO I RT004/015 Watugede Village, Singosari District, Malang Regency. Victim DS is a resident of Jalan Veteran Dalam Number 1, Lowokwaru District, Malang City.Gandha explained that the incident began on Wednesday (24/1) aat the victim's child visited one of the neighbors. The victim's son said the mother with the initials DS was forced by her father with the initials DMM (41) to drink floor cleaning liquid. According to him, the neighbor then went to the victim's house with the child and found DS who was the housewife in a supine state with her mouth. foam. "After that, the victim was taken to the Singosari Health Center and directed to the nearest hospital," he said. The victim was then taken by the neighbor who was also the reporter to Marsudi Waluyo Hospital in the Mondoroko area, Singosari District for intensive treatment. "However, at 20.00 WIB, the complainant received information that the victim died and then reported the incident to the Singosari Police," he said.

Meanwhile, one of the victim's neighbors with the initials D (57) said that on Wednesday (24/1) morning, there were shouts of quarrels from inside the house of the husband and wife DMM and DS. Not long after, the child left the house and asked for drinking water. "Yesterday I heard that there was an argument, I thought that if the household quarreled it was normal. However, then the child came out asking me for drinking water," he said. The DMM was no longer at home, it was out," he said.

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