SEMARANG - Witness in the alleged corruption case of funds from the Budget Implementation List (DIPA) of the Semarang Police Academy, Central Java, revealed that there is a tradition of hereditary borrowing flags of goods and services providers paid with fees of 3 percent. Director of CV Usaha Mandiri, Nur Hidayat admitted that his company's name was borrowed by a work unit at the Akpol to disburse the budget. Nur Hidayat was examined as a witness at the follow-up trial with the accused Accounting and Verification Affairs Officer for the Semarang Police Academy Financial Affairs (Akpol), Mardiyono at the Semarang Corruption Court, Wednesday, January 24. "After there was an activity application, then the funds were transferred directly by KPPN (State Treasury Service Office) to us," he said in a trial chaired by Chief Judge Judi Prasetya as quoted by Antara. After the funds are disbursed, they will then be handed back in cash to the work unit which is submitted with a cut of 3 percent. "The money is returned, the next work is for those who carry out it themselves," he added. Nur Hidayat admitted that his company providing goods and services had carried out the practice of borrowing flags in exchange for 3 percent fees from 2015 to 2018. For the fee received, the witness admitted that he had been asked by Police investigators to return the money amounting to Rp223 million. A similar statement was conveyed by the Assistant Treasurer for Legal Affairs, Akpol Suparni, who admitted that the provider of goods and services was borrowed by his company's flag in exchange for a fee of 3 percent. "Funds from KPPN go down to partners, then the satker (work unit) gets money from partners," he said. The witness also admitted that he brought CV Krida Jaya Sejahtera owned by his son as a company providing goods and services at the Police Academy from 2016 to 2018. In addition, witness Suparni also said that the company had been asked to return the money by investigators, which was referred to as a fee that had been received during his flag was borrowed by Semarang Police Academy. Previously, the Semarang Police Academy Finance Accounting and Verification Affairs Officer Mardiyono was charged with corruption in DIPA funds for the educational institution for the police candidate.
The amount of funds suspected of being corrupted from 2013 to 2018 reached Rp615 million.

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