JAKARTA - Volunteers calling themselves Solidarity Prabowo Gibran 02 (SPG 02) declared a declaration of support for presidential and vice presidential candidates number 2 Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

The declaration of support was read by the Chairman of Solidarity Prabowo Gibran 02 Nurul Fazariah at Prabowo Subianto's House in Kertanegara No.4 South Jakarta, Tuesday, January 23.

The reason for the Volunteer Solidarity Prabowo Gibran 02 (SPG 02) to declare his support was because the candidate pair of presidential and vice presidential candidates number 2 had a commitment to continue the programs of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Prabowo-Gibran is believed to be continuing Jokowi's programs, including assistance programs that have been implemented by Jokowi.

"We hope that Prabowo-Gibran can pay great attention to the welfare of prosperity and justice in all fields for the people and the Indonesian nation, to become a Golden Indonesia," said Nurul in his declaration.

The deputy commander of TKN Alfa Fritz Edward Siregar also expressed the same thing. According to him, only presidential and vice presidential candidates Prabowo-Gibran are committed to continuing the Jokowi Program.

"Because only Mr. Prabowo can continue, complete and perfect what Mr. Jokowi has built," added Fritz.

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