DENPASAR - Online registration for COVID-19 vaccination for tourism workers on the island of Bali has been opened.

Workers who want to be vaccinated against COVID-19 can register via the website Online registration will close on Sunday, February 28th.

Head of the Bali Provincial Tourism Office, Putu Astawa, explained that 10,500 tourism workers have registered as of today.

"I am following up on a request from the Deputy for Strategic Policy of the Indonesian Ministry of Creative Affairs. That the minister will fight for the workers from tourism to get vaccines. We do registration online, and we have made an application form so that it can be filled immediately until the specified time limit. , "said Astawa when contacted, Tuesday, February 23.

Dispar Bali has also conducted virtual meetings and prepared applications for data collection. Then, this data will later be used as material to request the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) so that workers can be given the vaccine.

"Because, the background of this priority vaccine is to build their confidence in visiting Bali, that all the workers have been vaccinated. Our market is to the world of tourists," he added.

The registered data will be submitted by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) to be proposed to the Ministry of Health.

"This data is for materials asking the Ministry of Health to be given the vaccine," said Astawa.

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