The Padang City Police of West Sumatra (West Sumatra) revealed a case of alleged misuse of subsidized fuel oil (BBM) by arresting one perpetrator. "In disclosing this case, we secured subsidized fuel types of bio solar and pertalite from the hands of the perpetrators, all of which were confiscated as evidence," said Head of the Padang Police Criminal Investigation Unit Kompol Dedy Adriansyah Putra in Padang, Antara, Tuesday, January 23. Perpetrator B Is A Resident Of West Bungus, Bungus Village, Teluk Kabung, Padang City "After undergoing examination, B was then determined his status as a suspect by investigators and the body was detained," he explained. B was charged with Article 55 of Law Number 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas as amended by Article 40 number 9 of Law Number 6 of 2023 concerning Stipulation of Government Regulations in Lieu of Law Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation. From the results of the examination, he continued, it was known that the mode used by B was launching oil from a number of Main Fuel Filling Centers (SPBU) in the local city using a car. "BBM was released from a number of gas stations and then he collected them at a kiosk that we thought was for sale or retail again," he explained. He detailed the evidence that was secured by his party in the form of a blue drum containing bio solar fuel, a red and white drum containing bio solar fuel, three small blue drums containing Diesel bio fuel. Then seven jerry cans with a capacity of 10 liters containing bio solar, three jerry cans with a capacity of 35 liters containing bio solar, 51 jerry cans with a capacity of five liters containing bio solar, nine jerry cans with a capacity of 35 liters containing subsidized pertalite, and two drums containing pertalite. Dedy said that the disclosure of the alleged abuse of transporting and/or trading of fuel subsidized by the government began with an investigation conducted by Unit II Tipidter of the Padang Satreskrim. Suspect B was arrested at a kiosk located in the West Bungus area, Bungus Teluk Kabung District, Padang City on Monday.
"We will continue to explore and develop this case to look into possibilities such as the involvement of other parties and so on," he explained.

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