YOGYAKARTA The discussion of what is the French yellow vest demonstration became the subject of discussion after the topic was mentioned by the candidate for vice president (cawapres) number 2 Gibran Rakabuming Raka and cawapres number 3 Mahfud MD in the vice presidential debate.

Initially, Gibran asked Mahfud MD a question about how to overcome greenflation. Regarding greenflation or what green inflation is, it can be seen in the VOI article.

Answering this question, Mahfud explained that the theme was related to the green economy concerned with the circular economy.

Unfortunately Mahfud's answer to Gibran's question was deemed unsatisfactory. Gibran then explained that the greenflation was related to the yellow vest demonstration in France.

Gibran explained that the yellow vest demonstration that occurred in France was considered dangerous. He also hopes that it will not happen in Indonesia.

"Greenflation is, we just give a simple example. The yellow vest demonstration in France. It is very dangerous. It has claimed victims. This must be anticipated. Don't let it happen in Indonesia. Learn from developed countries," Gibran explained to Mahfud.

Apart from the debate between Gibran and Mahfud in the vice presidential debate, the public needs to know about the French yellow vest demonstration.

The French yellow vest demonstration was a protest movement that took place in France in October 2018. The protest movement was sparked by President Emmanuel Macron's policy of raising taxes for fuel. On the other hand, the cost of living in France is quite expensive, so the tax increase is considered to be a burden for the community.

While the yellow vest itself was taken from a neon vest worn by drivers in France during an emergency while on the road. The protest movement sparked a blockade that caused congestion and scarcity of fuel ahead of the holiday season in France.

The plan to increase fuel alone is 5 cents per gallon for gasoline, while diesel increases by 2 cents. Through this increase, the French government hopes that residents will buy low-pollution vehicles. That way the impact of global warming can be suppressed.

Protests did not only trigger road blockades and fuel shortages, but instead triggered a massive demonstration in France that took place on November 17, 2018. At that time the situation became increasingly chaotic. Demoparticipants are said to have reached approximately 280,000 people who plunged into various roads.

The chaos of the demonstration immediately turned into an act of violence. There was even a fire on Jalan Champs-Obviouslys. Facing this situation, the police deployed their troops using water cannons, tear gas, and even deployed horse troops to deal with protesters.

On the other hand, protesters did not only fly the flag. Some of them threw projectiles, set fires, and even led to shop looting. Police are also said to have detained more than 100 people. The incident is said to be the worst riot since the May 1968 student riots that took place in the capital.

That's information regarding what French yellow vest demos are. Visit VOI.ID to get more interesting information.

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