CIANJUR - The Cianjur Regency Government, West Java, has completed the construction of an alternative supporting road for Puncak II in Batulawang Village, Cipanas District, with the hope that the central government can continue as a congestion solution on the main Puncak route.

The Regent of Cianjur, Herman Suherman, said that during the last two years the Cianjur Regency Government had completed the construction of a 17-kilometer road on the Puncak II route, including completing the construction of village roads to support them so that they were suitable for vehicles to pass.

"This is the fastest solution when there is a total traffic jam in the Puncak area, so we are building a concrete road in the Puncak II area and will immediately complete the construction of a village road that is connected to the alternative Puncak II route," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, January 22.

Herman explained that although the central government had planned the construction of the Bogor-Cianjur toll road, his party was optimistic that the construction of the Puncak II route would still be the fastest solution to total traffic jams that often occur on the main Puncak route, especially during long holidays.

Moreover, currently the Bogor Regency Government has done the same thing so that alternative roads in the two districts can be connected, only with the help of the central government so that the final process can increase its status to a national road.

"The fastest solution remains the Puncak II route as a solution so that migrants with Cianjur destinations can arrive quickly without having to be stuck in traffic for hours on the Puncak route, including solutions for entrepreneurs to quickly deliver orders to Jabodetabek," he said.

Herman said, so far the level of visits to Cianjur has continued to decrease due to traffic jams on the Puncak route, so that migrants choose to spend long holidays in the Bogor area, as a result, the economic turnover in the Cianjur area continues to decline.

It is hoped that the Puncak II route will be a solution and accelerate economic recovery in the Puncak-Cipanas area, which for several years was born, especially during the pandemic, had suspended animation due to the lack of tourist visits.

"We fully support the central government's program, but we hope that the Puncak II route will be the main priority for development in 2024 while waiting for the construction of the toll road from Bogor to Cianjur," he said.

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