Kandung's Father, Brother And 2 Uncles In Surabaya Abuse Girls For 4 Years Since Elementary School
Release of one family case in Surabaya obscenely for girls starting from elementary school

Surabaya Police have determined that one family consists of biological father, older brother, and two uncles, the suspect of molestation against the victim with the initials B, 13. The depraved act has been carried out by four suspects since 2020 or four years.

"The suspects are the victim's father with the initials E, 43, brother A, 17, and two uncles the victim with the initials R, 49, and I, 43. The obscenity started with the victim's older brother, only then his father and two uncles," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Surabaya Police, AKBP Hendro Sukmono, Monday, January 22.

The family has been doing its actions since victim B was still in grade 3 elementary school. One family is known to often get drunk due to the influence of alcohol (alcohol). Then because there was an opportunity, the house was quiet.

"Initially A (the older brother) raped the victim in the 3rd grade of elementary school. Then the biological father of victim E, then the two uncles victims I and R," he said.

The lecherous actions of the suspects were last known to have occurred in January 2024 when the victim's brother was drunk. At that time the perpetrator wanted to have sex with the victim, but the victim was menstruating, so it was done in another way.

"The last one is not finished, because the victim is known to be menstruating, but the perpetrator did it in another way," he said.

Knowing this, the family then reported the incident to the Surabaya Police on January 5, 2024. The initial report was sexual abuse, after the post-mortem, it turned out that the victim had abrasions on the genitals.

"We visited on the fifth day after the incident, we made an attempt to force (arrest) not a suspect," he said.

As a result of his actions, four suspects were charged with Article 81 and/or 82 of Law No. 17 of 2016 concerning Sexual intercourse and/or Child Abuse. With a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison.

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