MAGELANG - There was a funny moment when President Joko Widodo handed over the 2024 Indonesia Smart Program Assistance (PIP) at the Senior Moncer Tennis Field, GOR Samapta, Magelang, Central Java, Monday, January 22. Jokowi said that one of the elementary school students in Magelang named Rajendra was thin, the same as he was when he was little. Initially, Jokowi gave a speech about the benefits of PIP for students. After the speech, Jokowi then interacted with elementary, high school/vocational school students who were present through the question of who knew which five items of Pancasila were. Those who know will be given one bicycle. On the first occasion, Jokowi appointed one of the elementary school students who was later identified as Rajendra, a student of SD Kemiri Rejo I. Before the person concerned said Pancasila, Jokowi patted his back and joked that the student was thin. "It's thin like I was when I was little," said Jokowi, greeted with laughter from the audience. "Yes, it's true, I used to be small like Rajendra," Jokowi continued. Jokowi then invited Rajendra to say Pancasila starting from the first to the fifth principle. This third grade elementary school student, although stuttering and had forgotten the second and fifth principle, was able to say until she was finally given a bicycle. "Children, when they sat down, memorized (Pancasila) but when they took the stage, everything disappeared, blank," Jokowi said with a smile. "The bicycle was taken," said Jokowi. A number of students in Magelang, Central Java, hope that the Indonesia Smart Program (PIP) assistance will be continued because it is useful for helping underprivileged students. Nesya, one of the vocational school students who had the opportunity to have a dialogue with President Jokowi, said that PIP or Smart Indonesia Cards have helped underprivileged children go to school. "In my opinion, the benefits of this Smart Indonesia Card can help underprivileged children to be able to fulfill their schools so as not to cut off their children's schools so that they can continue to a higher level," said Nesya. Nesya has experienced firsthand the benefits of the program since she was in elementary school (SD). According to her, PIP or KIP has helped her in meeting the cost of educational development donations (SPP), practice costs, and other school needs mainly because she is studying in private schools.
"It is very helpful, from elementary school for school needs, it has been fulfilled using KIP. Especially now that it is in school - private schools - so for tuition payments, practice, it is greatly helped by the existence of KIP," he explained.

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