Placed at the Merauke Regent's Office, Head of the Papua Province BNN Brigadier General Pol. Norman Widjajadi, SIK, accompanied by the Head of the Eradication of the Papua BNNP Kombes Pol. Agung RP Sinaga SH, M.Si, Director of Drugs at the Papua Police, Kombes Pol. Alfian SIK, M.Si, carried out the Coordination of the Prevention and Eradication Program for the Abuse and Circulation of Narcotics Dark.

Directly conveyed by the Regent of Merauke Drs. Romanus Mbaraka, MT. During the meeting, the Head of BNNP Papua explained the intent and purpose of P4GN's efforts in Merauke Regency as well as the support of the P4GN program.

On this occasion, the Regent of Merauke also expressed his gratitude for the synergy that was built and his party will also encourage the 2024 program to continue to be improved together, especially in realizing a Shining Indonesia.

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