BEKASI - Presidential candidate number 1, Anies Baswedan, mentioned the principles of the founding fathers of the nation which according to him wanted to uphold a sense of justice. This was conveyed during a speech in the general meeting campaign in Cikarang, Bekasi.

Anies then mentioned the different goals of the nation's founders with the current conditions. Anies emphasized that this nation was not established for certain families.

"Those who founded this republic were educated people. He founded this republic not for himself, not for his family, not for his descendants, not for his nephews, but used for every child of the nation," said Anies at the North Cikarang Mini Stadium, Bekasi Regency, Monday, January 22.

Therefore, Anies claimed himself and the vice presidential candidate Muhaimin Iskandar to make the republic a state of law, not a state of rule.

"We want to maintain and return this republic to become a republic, become a state of law, where the ruler is regulated by law. Not a law regulated by the authorities," said Anies.

Today, Anies is scheduled to hold a grand campaign in Cikarang in the morning. Then, Anies will stay in touch at the Al Ashriyyah Nurul Iman Islamic Boarding School, Bogor and will continue to greet residents at Gor Parung, Bogor, West Java in the afternoon.

Meanwhile, Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) is scheduled to consolidate the leadership of the Taklim Council in Depok in Cipayung Village, Depok, West Java.

Cak Imin is also scheduled to visit the Maheutkeun AMIN with 10,000 Sukabumi residents at Pajajaran Field, Sukabumi, West Java.

Then, the General Chairperson of the PKB will Sowan Alim Ulama and Kiai Kampung at Raudlatul Bannat Islamic Boarding School, Gunung Puyuh, Sukabumi City. Furthermore, Cak Imin will attend Slepet Imin at Widaria Kencana Building, Sukabumi City.

The head of the Anies-Muhaimin Regional Campaign Team in West Java, Haru Suandharu, is targeting the candidate pair number 1 to get 80 percent of the votes in West Java.

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