Presidential Candidate (Capres) number 01, Anies Baswedan will talk about his cohesiveness with vice presidential candidate (Cawapres) number 03, Mahfud MD. He said this cohesiveness was to maintain the dignity of the debate.

"This is not a matter of compactness in the sense of agreement. This is a matter of compactness together maintaining the dignity of debate, that the debate is a process of thinking together, the opponent of the debate, friends think that Gus Muhaimin said. So, Mr. Mahfud maintains the position of debate into an honorable process, "he said after the fourth debate of the 2024 presidential election, at the JCC, Sunday, January 21.

According to him, the Indonesian people need to see the efforts of the candidate pairs to work together to maintain honor in the debate event. He said that in the debate there must be differences but it needs to be conveyed with respect.

"Earlier, it was seen as a collaboration, yes, we are both protecting the honor, that is precisely what the Indonesian people must see. In a debate, of course, there are differences but conveyed with respect, conveyed with respect," he said.

Anies said that ethics in the debate needed to be maintained together, even though the contents in the debate were not something that was comfortable to hear.

Furthermore, Anies assessed that his partner, Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin and Cawapres number 03, Mahfud MD, managed to maintain the respect for the vice presidential debate tonight.

"Although the contents may not be something that is comfortable to hear, the ethics in the process is maintained and that makes Gus Imin and Pak Mahfud look the same. They both bring high ethics," he explained.

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