YOGYAKARTA - In the midst of the momentum of the 2024 Simultaneous General Election (Pemilu), the National Police Chief General Pol. Listyo Sigit Prabowo invited the residents of the Special Region of Yogyakarta to always maintain unity and integrity.

"That we must always maintain peace and harmony, February 14th. But what is bigger and we must protect is, maintain unity and integrity for Indonesia. For our home Indonesia," said Sigit while attending the Jogja Asik event in Yogyakarta, Friday (19/1) night, reported by ANTARA, Saturday, January 20.

Sigit said that the five-year democratic party should not neglect the spirit to maintain the diversity of the Indonesian people.

"We are proud to be Indonesian citizens. Therefore, of course, we are enthusiastic to continue to guard Indonesia's diversity for all of us to continue to be discussed," he added.

The Jogja Asik event, said Sigit, is an extraordinary forum for gathering political parties and the people of Yogyakarta. The event contains a showcase and musical arts performance with the theme 'peace and Harmony, Jogja Bermusik for Indonesia Asik'.

"Today is extraordinary, in the election situation which will soon take place on February 14th. Today, the entire party is here, the winning team is here to gather with the entire Yogya community and this may just happen in Yogyakarta," he said.

Sigit also appreciated the creation of a song called 'Polisi Jagaku'. The lyrics of the song were written by culturalist Butet Kartaredjasa along with Helarius Daru I (Ndarboy Genk).

"So, on this occasion, Mas Daru, Mas Butet, thank you for the extraordinary appreciation to us, the police, and of course this is a gift. However, it is also a very heavy mandate. However, I think Police personnel, I, witnessed by all Yogya community members, the award given by him of course we must be accountable," concluded Sigit.

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