The Muhammadiyah Gorontalo Health Vocational School Building Is Damaged Even Though It Has Only Been More Than A Year Built
Gorontalo Province Education and Culture Office while reviewing Vocational High School (SMK) Muhammadiyah Randangan Health in Pohuwato Regency. (ANTARA/HO)
GORONTALO - Gorontalo Province Education and Culture Office (Dikbud) reviewed the damage to the Muhammadiyah Randangan Health Vocational High School (SMK) building in Pohuwato Regency. Head of the Gorontalo Province Dikbud Rusli Nusi said his party had come to review reports of damage to a number of buildings in schools built in the 2022 fiscal year. According to him, the student practice room and the new classroom were carried out by CV Bintang Konstruksi using the Special Allocation Fund (DAK). The school was asked to coordinate with third parties so that the collapsed ceiling could be repaired. "Reports that came to me, the school has coordinated with third parties and they are willing to make improvements even though they have passed maintenance time," Rusli said when contacted in Gorontalo, Antara, Friday, January 19. Rusli assessed that the good faith of third parties is important so that buildings can be reused by students so that teaching and learning activities can run safely and comfortably. "The results of the third party's BPK examination must pay compensation. The claim has been paid, meaning that their obligation has been carried out," he said. Ambruknya plafon sekolah menjadi pelajaran berharga bagi dinas dan semua sekolah untuk menjamin kualitas pekerjaan yang baik dan benar. In the future, Rusli wants to tighten the supervisory function so that service providers who do not comply with quality standards are blacklisted.
"I hope this incident does not happen again because it is very detrimental, let alone disrupting the implementation of teaching and learning activities," he added.

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