Entertainment Tax Increases 40 Percent, DPR Member Nurul Arifin Emphasizes Not To Burden Industrial Actors

JAKARTA - Member of Commission I of the DPR from the Golkar faction also commented on the increase in the entertainment tax by 40 percent. Nurul suggested that the entertainment tax be maintained as before, it's just that the effectiveness of levies must be increased.

"It just needs to be effective in the tax collection," said Nurul Arifin at the Golkar Party consolidation event at the Sudirman Bandung Grand Ball Room on Friday, January 19.

The candidate for the West Java electoral district I also highlighted the need to optimize tax revenues without burdening entertainment industry players. He stressed that the entertainment industry is rising from a pandemic period and requires acceleration to support recovery.

According to Nurul, people are in need of entertainment in cafes and restaurants. Larena itu, dia berharap, para pelaku industri hiburan tidak dibebani dengan pajak yang terlalu besar.

"I support the development of a sustainable and friendly entertainment industry with the needs of the community," he said.

The government is updating the policy by setting a lower limit of 40 percent and an upper limit of 75 percent. This considers that this type of entertainment is only enjoyed by certain groups of people so that the government sets a lower limit to prevent the competition for setting low tax rates in order to increase business turnover.

However, the government's plan was protested by a number of entertainment industry players, one of which was Dangdut Singer Inul Daratista. The protests are in the spotlight on social media because these rules are considered to have an impact on their business.

The increase in entertainment taxes has been in Law No.1/2022 concerning Financial Relations between the Central Government and the Regional Government.

Article 58 paragraph (1) of Law no. 1/2022 or the HKPD Law states that certain goods and services tax rates (PBJT) are set at a maximum of 10 percent.

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