The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has named Budi Said as a suspect in the alleged fabrication of the sale and purchase of gold precious metals of PT Antam. Crazy Rich from Surayaba was immediately arrested for a case that cost Antam around Rp1.1 trillion.

"Based on the results of the intensive investigation by investigators, it is related to other evidence found by the investigative team, today we raise the status of the person concerned (Budi Said) as a suspect," said the Director of Investigation at the Junior Attorney General for Special Crimes, Kuntadi to reporters, Thursday, January 18.

The detention of Budi was carried out at the Salemba Detention Center or Salemba Detention Center at the Attorney General's Office for the next 20 days. The detention was carried out to facilitate the investigation process.

Regarding the case of alleged corruption, Kuntadi said that the suspect Budi Said collaborated with four other people with the initials EA, AP, EKA, and MD, engineering the sale and purchase of gold from March to November 2018.

They transacted a number of gold at a price below the stipulation from PT Antam.

"Doing malicious conspiracy engineered the sale and purchase of gold by setting the selling price below the price set by PT Antam. Under the pretext that there is a discount from PT Antam, even though at that time PT Antam did not apply a discount," he said.

To cover the fraud, transactions were carried out in a pattern outside the established mechanism so that PT Antan could not control the entry and exit of precious metals and the amount of money being transacted.

Then, they also made a letter that was suspected to make it seem as if there was a valid transaction.

"As a result, PT Antam suffered a loss of 1 ton of 136 kilograms of precious metal or maybe equivalent to Rp. 1.1 trillion," said Kuntadi.

In this case, Budi Said was charged with Article 2 paragraph (1) and Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 in conjunction with Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 concerning Amendments to U RI Number 31 of 1999 concerning Corruptionjunto Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code.

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