JAKARTA - Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan asked all parties not to raise an issue that Finance Minister Sri Mulyani would resign from the cabinet.

"Well, don't like to make issues," said Zulkifli after attending a limited meeting with the President at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Thursday, January 18.

Zulkifli, who is also the General Chair of the National Mandate Party, then talked about the importance of running a happy election without vilifying one another.

"Don't make an issue. (On February 14 alone, we will see the election which is peaceful, the election is happy, don't demonize each other with each other. This is a competition between families, between relatives," he said.

He emphasized that in the 25 years of holding elections since 1999, there have been many dynamics, but according to him, this is normal

"I travel around the area everywhere, the people are funny, they get along, there are those who choose A, there are those who choose B, even though there are a lot of (choosers) Pak Prabowo, yes, but there are no problems, no ones are angry, no one is mocking each other, getting along, getting along," he explained.

When asked why Sri Mulyani was not present at a limited meeting, Zulkifli asked reporters not to discuss this, because according to him there was no problem whatsoever.

"It doesn't need to be discussed, people don't have anything to discuss," he said.

Previously, senior economist Faisal Basri in a discussion event in Jakarta recently said Sri Mulyani was the minister who was morally the most prepared to withdraw from the cabinet.

Apart from Sri Mulyani, Faisal also said that the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono was ready to resign.

According to Faisal, the minister from the technocrats is ready to resign because of the issue of Presidential support in the presidential election.

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