PEKANBARU - A student in one of the leading private kindergartens (TK) in Pekanbaru City is suspected of being molested by his classmate. The incident occurred in October 2023.

The victim's father with the initials DFZ explained the chronology that the alleged sexual abuse against his son was only discovered last November. He explained that his son's behavior looked a little changed. For that, he and his wife slowly conducted the interrogation.

From his son's confession, he has been molested by his classmate. To confirm this, the victim's parents took their child to the hospital for a post-mortem.

"My wife and I examined the child at the psychiatrist, and went to Bhayangkara Hospital for a post-mortem," DFZ said in a written statement, Thursday, January 18.

After the examination, the victim's parents then complained to the Pekanbaru City Women's Protection (PPA) UPT. In the mediation process between the perpetrator's parents and the victim's side at that time, no agreement was reached and the complaint process was stopped.

"In fact, the parents of the perpetrators challenged us to the legal process only. PPA stopped our complaint process (victims), even though it was clear, from the results of the examination, evidence, confession of the perpetrator, it was clear that there was an act of sexual violence that occurred.

As if accepting the challenge, finally the victim's parents made a report at the Tampan Police, last Thursday. He and his wife had already undergone an examination a few days ago.

Meanwhile, the head of the Indonesian Child Protection Agency (LPAI) Seto Mulyadi spoke with the victim's parents and saw the condition of victim N.

"We have contacted the nearest psychologist to be able to provide more professional treatment to the victim's psyche," said Kak Seto.

He is optimistic that N's psychological condition can recover soon because the family environment, which according to him is very child-friendly. Moreover, communication between parents and N is very communicative.

"N is also quite smart. His home environment is very child-friendly, full of toys," said Kak Seto.

He said, a child-friendly home environment is one of the capital to handle psychological cases, if the child is caught in a problem. Kak Seto ensures that professional handling will be carried out immediately, both to the victim and the perpetrator.

He hopes that no more children will become victims of violence or irregularities in sexual acts. "Precise treatment and therapy can restore the condition of the victim and perpetrator, because the perpetrator was also a victim at first," he said.

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