AGAM - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Agam Regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), recorded 158 residents affected by the eruption of Mount Marapi or located at a radius of 4.5 kilometers from the summit. "In total, according to the latest data collection, 158 residents entered a radius of 4.5 kilometers from the Verbeek Marapi Crater. In accordance with the recommendations of the Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (PVMBG), this area is included in the Level III unsafe zone, Alert," said the Head of BPBD Agam Bambang Warsito in Lubuk Basung, Antara, Wednesday, January 17. BPBD together with the TNI-Polri and other relevant agencies that are integrated into the joint standby team of Mount Marapi have given directions for emptying affected areas with a temporary note that 21 people are evacuating independently. "21 people are recorded to have temporarily evacuated. However, this figure does not include residents who evacuate only at night, then return to farming and farming during the day, they are still allowed to provide reports to be supervised by the team," said Bambang. According to him, 158 Agam residents who were affected came from two sub-districts which were right on the waist of Mount Marapi, namely Sungai Puar District and Candung District. "In Canduang District there are 106 affected residents. They came from 27 houses with 31 heads of families (KK) in Kalimpariak Hamlet, Tabek Gadang, Ateh Rubai, Bareco," he said. Meanwhile, 58 people are in Sungai Puar District, out of 14 houses recorded with 17 families in the Jorong Simpang Tiga, Padang Tarok, Limo Kampung, and Jorong Sariak areas. He mentioned that local wisdom of the local community also affected the evacuation activities of residents who only left their homes at night. "The affected residents are accepted to stay overnight by their relatives who are in a safe zone with the attachment of traditional relations or one tribe. Even so, the joint team continues to monitor and ensure its safety," said Bambang. Meanwhile, Agam Regent Andri Warman added that the losses of affected residents in the form of crop failure or others will be sought to replace costs through emergency response funds. "It is true that many residents from among farmers have lost money. In the evaluation meeting it was concluded, to obtain emergency response funds from the central BNPB, everything will be coordinated first," he said. PVMBG recorded that Mount Marapi (2,891) is still experiencing an eruption with a total of 130 eruptions and 696 gusts.
The last eruption was observed today at Wednesday (17/1) at 04.25 WIB with an amplitude of 32 millimeters of 54 seconds duration, but the height of the eruption was not observed because it was blocked by fog.

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