TERNATE - A Foreign Citizen (WNA) from Romania, Andrei Amarif (35) is listed on the 2024 Election Permanent Voter List (DPT) in Salahuddin Village, Ternate City, North Maluku, Maluku.

"The presence of the foreigner was discovered after the Ternate Class I Immigration Office reported it to the kelurahan. We found out after the Ternate Class I Immigration Office came and reported that after checking it turned out that the person concerned was admitted to the DPT in our area of RT/RW 02/03," said the Head of Salahuddin Village, Ari Kaimudin, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 17.

35-year-old foreigner is known to have married a local woman in Ternate City, since 2014. The two of them settled in the Tabahawa complex, Salahuddin Village.

The village head then checked the data through election organizers at the village level, and found the foreigner's name entered the DPT in his area.

"Based on information from the Ternate Class I Immigration Office, the Romanian foreigner lives in Salahuddin Village with permanent residence permit status," he said.

Ari admitted that he did not know that there were foreigners living in Salahuddin Village, so he thought that all residents who were included in the DPT in the area were all Indonesian citizens, especially since all of them were registered in the Family Card (K-K).

Therefore, his party immediately coordinated with the election organizers regarding the findings concerned with being included in the DPT.

"According to the provisions, every foreigner is not allowed to participate in elections in Indonesia," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Ternate City Bawaslu, Kifli Sahlan, when contacted stated that based on the report, he then coordinated with the local KPU.

"The point is, because the determination of the DPT has been determined, the foreigner as referred to in the news is specifically marked as a form of anticipation from election vulnerabilities," said Kifli.

This step is taken so that the person concerned does not vote in the upcoming February 14 election or his presence in the DPT can be used by other parties who do not have the right to vote.

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