JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has stopped the investigation of six suspects in various corruption cases for the 2019-2023 period. Terminations were carried out for various reasons, including those who were sick or died.

"For what was asked earlier, there were six (cases, ed) that were stopped. The first is Darwan Ali, because he died," said KPK Temporary Chair Nawawi Pomolango quoted on Wednesday, January 17.

The next investigation that was stopped was related to the former Bangkalan Regent Fuad Amin. This process, said Nawawi, was stopped because Fuad died.

Furthermore, the KPK also dismissed allegations of corruption in Bank Indonesia liquidity assistance (BLBI) with the suspects Sjamsul Nursalim, and Itjih Nursalim. The case of the two people is the main case that has been decided by the Supreme Court (MA) so that the KPK cannot take further action.

Then, Nawawi explained another case that was stopped by Budi Juliarto. He was reluctant to specify the case, but, the KPK stopped because the suspect died.

"Juniardo's body also died, we will also stop the investigation," he said.

Then, the anti-corruption commission stopped the investigation of Yakub Purnomo. "It's the same as a heavy stroke, and the case has also expired," said Nawawi.

Nawawi did not specify the case that ensnared Yakub. However, he said it was difficult to find files because the alleged corruption had been stalled for 12 years.

The last case that was stopped ensnared a party named Fasih. According to Nawawi, the person last worked as one of the rectors on a public campus and had a stroke.

"Then the last one is already Fluent, where is the rector? This is already a permanent stroke, that's what we have stopped six," he concluded.

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