JAKARTA - The expert council of the National Team of AMIN Fahrus Zaman Fadhly assessed that Aniesbubble's videotron advertisements in Bekasi and Jakarta are proof that the democracy index in Indonesia in the Jokowi era is decreasing.

"The videotron that has been taken down I see this will perfect that the government that has been going on so far is anti-democracy, and will make our democracy index lower to fall to a nadir point," said Fahrus, Tuesday, January 16.

AMIN National Team Spokesman Indra Charismiadji said the incident was suspected of being full of political interests.

"Relations with politics, if not, why suddenly take down, what is the reason, people pay, unless they don't pay to be taken down," continued Indra.

Aniesbubble videotron ads that have only aired a day on Grand Metropolitan Bekasi and Graha Mandiri Menteng, Central Jakarta have been taken down

The videotron ad is the result of a joint venture of K-Pop fans Anies Bubble who supports Anies Baswedan's presidential candidate.

Olppaemi projects through the X account did not explain the reason why the ad was taken down. He called the condition out of control.

Olppaemi project said the ad should be broadcast for one week starting from January 15-21 January 2024.

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