JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate number 1 Anies Baswedan promised to prioritize the welfare of health workers (nakes).

This promise was conveyed by Anies Baswedan in the National Dialogue of the Professional Community and the Health Association (KOMPAK) with the presidential and vice presidential candidates at the Bidakara Hotel, South Jakarta, Tuesday, January 16.

"Health of health workers who are not yet a priority, I think it is time to prioritize the welfare of workers in the health sector and must be carried out together in various professions in the health sector," Anies said in a virtual presentation.

Anies promised to improve the welfare of medical personnel and health workers as well as ensure their career path.

To achieve this, Anies emphasized the importance of coordination as well as coaching with related associations to ensure a benchmark model for improving welfare.

"For this reason, it must be prepared together with the association so that the performance measuring instrument is an objective measuring tool in accordance with the profession," Anies continued.

Anies in his presentation also said that he would provide protection for health and medical personnel from aspects of acts of violence and criminalization.

Anies' promise to improve the welfare of health workers is one of the strategic agendas in the development of quality access to health.

There are six strategic agendas in the health sector that Anies promised:

1. Strengthening the role of puskesmas and the community

2. Hospital service

3. Welfare and protection of health workers

4. Health financing

5. Independent pharmaceuticals and medical devices

6. Disease control and health resilience

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