JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said there would be several activities when inviting presidential and vice presidential candidates on Wednesday, January 17. Among them they will be given anti-corruption reinforcement as well as asked to have a dialogue on the eradication of corruption.

"We are scheduled, God willing, (activities, ed) on Wednesday after sunset at around 19.00 WIB until around 21.30 WIB," said Prevention Spokesperson Ipi Maryati to reporters quoted on Tuesday, January 16.

Ipi detailed that there were two main activities when inviting presidential and vice presidential candidates. First, they will submit information and data related to the eradication of corruption in Indonesia.

Dan juga tentang KPK secara kelembagaan. Tujuan apa, harapan kami adalah nanti akan dibangun satu pemahaman yang sama tentang masa depan pemberantasan korupsi ke depan, tegasnya.

"Then at that moment we can also discuss how to strengthen the eradication of corruption in Indonesia in the future," continued Ipi.

Second, in this activity they also want to strengthen the commitment of the candidate pairs. So that the presidential and vice presidential candidates will be able to encourage anti-corruption policies.

"We also want to strengthen the commitment of candidate pairs of presidential and vice-presidential candidates related to eradicating corruption in Indonesia," he said.

Furthermore, Ipi ensured that the activities that would be carried out by the KPK were not debates. The program carried out is called PAKU Integrity.

These activities have repeatedly invited ministries and institutions. The goal is to strengthen the prevention of corruption.

"So once again we want to convey that this is not a forum or not a debate format. But it is indeed an effort to strengthen the integrity that we will provide specifically for candidate pairs and vice presidential candidates," concluded Ipi.

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