Chairman of Bawaslu Rahmat Bagja confirmed the handling of alleged violations of the Gibran Rakabuming Raka vice presidential meeting with the village head in Maluku some time ago.
"It is still being processed, which is a meeting with the traditional head, then there is also a regulation as a village head, the Bawaslu is being processed by the city of Ambon, Maluku Province. It is suspected that there was a violation," said Bagja at the DKPP office, Jakarta, Monday, January 15.
Previously, the Maluku Province Bawaslu stated that as many as 30 village heads in Central Maluku (Malteng) and Ambon City were indicated to have violated the Election Law (UU).
Dozens of village heads are suspected of violating Article 280 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning elections. They attended and even expressed support for the vice presidential candidate Gibran Rakabuming Raka during a visit to Maluku.
"In principle, Law Number 7 of 2017 states that involving village heads and village officials is a violation," said the Coordinator of the Maluku Bawaslu Legal Division, Samsun Ninilouw.
His party is still conducting studies on formal material requirements. According to the Supervision Report (LHP) received from the leaders, his party found that around 30 village heads were indicated to have violated the Election Law from the estimated 100 people invited at that time.
Meanwhile, Gibran submitted an alleged violation of the involvement of the village head during his political safari to Ambon, Maluku to be investigated by the General Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu).
"Yes, let's investigate Bawaslu," said Gibran.
Prabowo Subianto's assistant had previously said that he was ready to be summoned if he was proven to have committed a violation as allegedly Bawaslu of Maluku Province.
"Oh, please, if there are violations, there are allegations that are not true. We are ready to be sanctioned, summoned like when, please," said Gibran.
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