JAKARTA - Presidential Candidate number three, Ganjar Pranowo admitted that he did not provide tips on dealing with the debate for Mahfud MD, who became his vice presidential candidate. He considers the figure of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) to be greater than him. "No, no. Mr. Mahfud is smarter than me. His experience is better, his professor," said Ganjar to reporters in Jakarta quoted Monday, January 15. This greatness is recognized by Ganjar because he often discusses with partners, especially when preparing a debate. Pak Mahfud said, 'this is ok,'' he said. After all, Mahfud was deemed ready to face the debate theme of the debate week. He admitted that he had asked his vice president to prepare. I said, 'you are getting ready tomorrow, okay, sir'. And Mr. Mahfud has already completed it,' he continued. As information, there are five themes that are carried out in the presidential and vice presidential candidates debate held by the General Election Commission (KPU). The first is related to the government, law, law, human rights, strengthening of corruption, strengthening democracy, improving public services and the harmony of citizens followed by three presidential candidates. The second theme is economic and digital, financial, tax investment, trade, APBN-APBD management, infrastructure, and urbanity. In this debate, it is the turn of the vice presidential candidate (cawapres) who conveys his ideas.
Next, the third debate is related to defense, security, international relations, and geopolitical.
The fourth debit theme is sustainable development, natural resources, the environment, energy, food, agrarian, society and villages. The last debate theorems are social welfare, educational culture, information technology, health, employment, human resources, and inclusion.
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