About To Do A Brawl, 12 Gangster Members Arrested By Police In Tangerang
Arrest. (Ist)

TANGERANG - Police arrested 12 teenage gangsters suspected of having a brawl on Jalan Prabu Siliwangi Perumnas IV, Cibodas, Tangerang City, Sunday, January 14, at 03.30 WIB.

"12 teenagers were successfully secured to the Jatiuwung Police," said Tangerang City Metro Police Chief Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho in his statement, Sunday, January 14.

Zain explained that the failure of the brawl began with his party conducting patrols both on the field and the cyber Instagram and Facebook teams.

At that time, his party knew that there would be a movement of a number of gangsters who were strongly suspected of wanting to make an agreement to fight in the Cibodas area.

On that basis, his party went to the location where the gangsters gathered. Arriving at the location, the teenagers rushed and threw away sharp weapons that they carried into the bushes and left their motorbikes.

It didn't take long for the 12 teenagers to be arrested by his side. In addition, the members also found a number of weapons that the gangsters planned to use to carry out the brawl.

"We have secured 12 sharp weapons (sajam) from them, in the form of 5 sickles, 2 machetes, 1 Golf club, 2 Baseball sticks, 1 long sickle or sickle and 1 samurai," he said.

Currently, the 12 teenagers have been taken to the Jatiuwung Police. The goal is for further action.

"Currently data collection and in-depth examination are still being carried out," he concluded.

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