A total of 20 residents of Alam Tirta Housing, Pagelaran Village, Ciomas, Bogor Regency, West Java, were poisoned after consuming food in the form of tunal fish pesmol.

"It is suspected that the cause is a wet barrel that is carried out," said Head of the Ciomas Marimbun Tua Gultom Sub-district Trantib, reported by ANTARA, Friday, January 12.

He revealed that the mass poisoning incident began when the mosque's prosperity council (DKM) in the housing held a food alms activity to the local community after Friday prayers.

According to Gultom, at around 13.00 WIB after the food was distributed and some had been consumed, his party received reports that 20 people had symptoms of food poisoning.

"At 13.00 WIB there were about 20 victims who felt nauseous and hot. It was found that their poisoning was taken to the Puskesmas," explained Gultom.

After receiving treatment, of the 20 food poisoning patients, 16 of them were allowed to go home on the grounds that they were not classified as acute poisoning, so they could be cured independently.

Meanwhile, four other patients were referred to the hospital (RS) to receive further medical treatment. One patient was rushed to Ummi Hospital, and three others were referred to the Bogor City Regional General Hospital (RSUD).

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