TAPANULI TENGAH - presidential candidate number 1 Anies Baswedan does not want to be prejudiced about the statement by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo regarding the need for a candidate for leadership to continue the relay of President Joko Widodo's leadership.

According to Anies, in general, all the presidents who replaced the previous president were said to be continuing their leadership.

"Every presidency does continue. Pak Jokowi continued Pak SBY, Pak SBY continued Bu Mega, Bu Mega continued from Pk Gus Dur, Gus Dur continued from Pak Habibie, Pak Habibie continued from Pak Harto, Pak Harto continued from Bung Karno. So, there is indeed an relay like that," said Anies in Tapanuli Tengah, North Sumatra, Friday, January 12.

The former governor of DKI Jakarta also handed over to the public to assess whether there was an element of inequality in Sigit's statement.

"Later, the people can judge, but now the people are quite vigilant, that their voices must be reflected in the tabulation. Because it is the voice of the people's," said Anies.

Anies admitted that he and Cak Imin, when they won the 2024 presidential election, also continued the leadership of Jokowi and Ma'ruf Amin. However, the continuation of this leadership was brought with the idea of change.

"God willing, we will continue as the leadership of this country. In every phase, of course, it will bring change. That's why every leadership era there is an update. It's a loss for this nation if there is no update. Every phase there is an update," he said.

Previously, at the 2023 Christmas celebration of the National Police Headquarters in Jakarta, Thursday, January 11, Sigit said that through the 2024 presidential election, leaders were looking for who could continue the leadership relay.

"What we are looking for is a leader who can continue the leadership relay. Not because of differences, in the end it is not the leader we are looking for; but what we maintain is differences and then what we get is conflict," said Sigit when giving a speech at the PTIK Auditorium.

National Police Chief Sigit also said that the 2024 election would be very important for the fate of the Indonesian nation in the future.

"The election we face this time is certainly a very important election and determines the fate of the nation in the future, because here our people will choose a candidate for national leader who will continue the captain of the national leadership as president," said Sigit.

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