The West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police received a report from the Nahdlatul Wathan Diniyah Islamiah (NWDI) management regarding the alleged insult to Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB) Muhammad Zainul Majdi.
"Yes, we just received the report today. Therefore, we still have to study this report first," said Head of the Investigation Supervision Section of the NTB Police Special Criminal Investigation Directorate, AKBP Darsono Setyo Adjie in Mataram, Antara, Friday, January 12.
He expects public support to entrust the handling of the problem to run according to the law.
"Trust the handling of this report to us (Polri), do not create new problems that can have other legal consequences," he said.
The NWDI management reported the case of alleged TGB insults with the reported preacher in Mataram City with the initials QS.
The report relates to the alleged insult by QS against the former Governor of NTB who is still the General Chair of the NWDI Executive Board through the YouTube channel.
"We report the alleged insult to reduce the anger of the congregation and TGB lovers due to the recitation carried out by the da'i (invader)," said PB NWDI Legal Landnah Member Husnan Wadi.
He continued that his party encouraged this report to immediately obtain legal certainty from the police.
In the video footage that was broadcast on QS's YouTube channel, TGB lovers were offended because the lecturer called TGB a liar.
"In the video, the person concerned directly attacks personally. Mr. TGB is said to have been confirmed several times," he said.
The police report that came in today was carried out in action in front of the NTB Police Command Headquarters. It appears that dozens of residents were present at the action.
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