Pilgrimage To Mbah Ratu Ayu's Grave In Pasuruan, Mahfud MD: This Is NU's Tradition To The Grave Of Orang-Large People Of The Past
Cawapres number 3, Mahfud Md during a pilgrimage to Mbah Ratu Ayu's grave in Pasuruan Regency, East Java, Friday (12/1/2024). (ANTARA/Rio Feisal)

JAKARTA - Candidate for vice president (cawapres) number 3, Mahfud MD made a pilgrimage to the tomb of Syarifah Alhababah Khadijah bint Syarif Hidayatullah or known as Mbah Ratu Ayu in Pasuruan Regency, East Java (East Java) on the 46th day of the campaign.

Mahfud explained that his visit was a Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) tradition to take lessons from the past so that he could inherit his fighting spirit and smoothness in guiding the community.

"This is a tradition of Nahdlatul Ulama visiting the graves of great people in the past to take lessons. Pray to Allah so that we can inherit, not ask directly to the person concerned," Mahfud said in Pasuruan after the pilgrimage, Friday, January 12, was confiscated by Antara.

In addition, Mahfud said his visit was in order to get inspiration to fight during the 2024 presidential election.

"So I have visited Sunan Drajat, to Hasyim Asy'ari everywhere every time I go to Islamic boarding schools to visit this to ask Allah for me to be inspired to fight like him," he said.

Meanwhile, Mahfud explained that the services of Mbah Ratu Ayu can be imitated by other mothers.

"He is a sharif who has deployed great leaders and great fighters, so that his services deserve to be remembered. His continuations also guide the community for good so that he deserves to be imitated for mothers so that they become good mothers like this sharifah," he concluded.

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