Malang - PolresMalang revealed the results of tests from a forensic laboratory (labfor) related to the incident of a family suspected of committing suicide in Boro Hamlet, Saptorenggo Village, Pakis District, Malang Regency, East Java. Head of the Malang Police Satreskrim AKP Gandha Syah Hidayat said the results of the laboratory showed blood samples in his room, knife, and in the glass were declared identical to the father with the initials WE (43). "From a sample of scattered blood, then blood attached to the knife, then in the glass, it had DNA that was declared identical to the identity of the late Mr. W," said Gandha as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 10, 2023. On December 12, three people died allegedly due to suicide in one house. The three people were the father with the initials WE, the mother with the initials S (40), and the child with the initials ARE (12). Another child, AKE (12), is in a safe and living condition. AKE and ARE are the twins of the WE and S.WE pairs are teachers in one of the ground schools. State (SDN) in Sukun District, Malang City. Meanwhile, S sells cakes at home every day. The twins of WE and S, namely AKE and ARE, are still studying in the first intermediate school VII class (SMP).Gandha explained through the East Java LabforPolda test, WE is the figure who shed a mosquito drug liquid on his wife and a child. WE is the last person who holds the glass containing the mosquito liquid. From the results of laboratory testing, it was found that the content of transflutrine or active material in mosquito drugs was found in the stomach pieces of S and ARE. This is in accordance with the evidence found at the scene of the case (TKP).

Selain itu, lanjutnya, ditemukan pula karton teh kemasandi TKP. Diduga kuat, teh kemasan tersebut dicampur dengan obat nyamuk cairsebelum diberikan kepada S dan ARE."Jadi, saat menuangkan, obat anti nyamuk tersebut dicampur dengan teh kemasan untuk menghilangkan rasa tidak enak dari obat anti nyamuk," jelas Gandha.Dia memastikan tidak ada upaya kekerasan yang dilakukanWE saat meminumkan cairan tersebut kepada istri dan anaknya. Sebab, lanjut Gandha, berdasarkan hasil visum tidak ditemukan bekas luka cakar maupun bekas lebam di tubuh mereka."Setelah ini, kami akan melaksanakan gelar perkaraapakah ada peristiwa pidana atau tidak," tambahnya.Polisi menyimpulkan motif bunuh diri tiga orang dalam satu keluarga tersebut adalah terkait utang. Dari informasi yang dikumpulkan selama proses penyidikan, WE memiliki utang sekitarpuluhan juta."Saya hanya bisa bicarakarena kita juga harus menjaga korban (anak AKE) dari trauma mendalam, kewajiban keuangannya hanya berkisar puluhan juta saja," ujar Gandha.

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