Presidential candidate number 2, Prabowo Subianto, made a fine or sarcastic satire for Presidential Candidate number 1, Anies Baswedan, regarding the score of 11 on a scale of 100 for the performance of the Minister of Defense.

Prabowo said that this value was extraordinary because the first time he got it from someone he had given kindness.

"Alhamdulillah, I was given a score of 11 out of 100. That was an extraordinary value. For the first time in my life, I received that value from the person I gave kindness to," Prabowo said while attending the 'Silaturahmi & Declaration of the Jambi Province Public Relations Association DPW' at the Abadi Convention Center (ACC), Jambi, Tuesday, January 9.

Even so, Prabowo did not care about this. Because when elected president in the future, he will prove his commitment to make Indonesia a great, advanced and prosperous country.

Prabowo regretted a number of parties who tried to divide the Indonesian nation. He also again said that some parties who were given kindness actually responded with hatred.

"I can't stop thinking, I invite you to unite, but there are figures whose minds are strange. We give goodness but are rewarded with hatred," said the Gerindra chairman.

The Minister of Defense also appealed to the Indonesian people to always maintain unity and integrity so that they are not easily pitted against each other.

"We have to unite. For that, we have to get along well. Don't want to be pitted continuously. We are a big family," Prabowo ordered.

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