Ganjar Visits Al Ihya Ulumuddin Islamic Boarding School In Cilacap
Presidential Candidate number 3 Ganjar Pranowo at Al Ihya Ulumuddin Islamic Boarding School, Cilacap Regency, Central Java, Tuesday (9/1/2024). (ANTARA/Narda Margaretha Sinambela)

CILACAP - Candidate for president number 3 Ganjar Pranowo visited the Al Ihya Ulumuddindi Islamic Boarding School in Cilacap Regency, Central Java.

The visit was to commemorate the 65th anniversary of Mbah KH Badawi Hanafi, who is the leader of the pesantren.

Based on ANTARA's observation at the location, Ganjar arrived at around 10:22 WIB wearing a white shirt wrapped in a black jacket. He also wore a black cap.

Arriving at the boarding school, Ganjar took off his shoes and entered the pesantren area. A number of female students also seemed to be burning Ganjar.

The female students also captured the moment of Ganjar's arrival with their cellphones. Ganjar then told Badawi's son, Gus Imbad, who is now the leader of the Al Ihya Ulumuddin Islamic Boarding School. The meeting was held in Gus Imbad's room behind closed doors.

When Ganjar arrived, K. H. Chaudil Ulum, who is the caretaker of Darul Hikmah Bendo, Pare, and Kediri Islamic Boarding Schools, was giving tausiyah.

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