Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto appreciated the moment of shaking hands and being friendly between PDIP DPP Chair Puan Maharani and presidential candidate (candidate) number one, Anies Baswedan.

It is known that Puan had greeted Anies after the third debate with the theme of security and defense on Sunday night, January 7 yesterday. In fact, the chairman of the DPR RI shook hands with Anies and Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin.

"Mbak Puan's greetings with Mas Anies and Gus Muhaimin are good," Hasto told reporters quoted on Tuesday, January 9.

Hasto then compared the moment with the attitude of presidential candidate number two, Prabowo Subianto, who at the end of the debate session did not shake hands with Anies.

This incident was widely highlighted, especially since Anies had criticized Prabowo's policy as Minister of Defense (Menhan).

Puan, continued Hasto, is considered more open to welcoming the former Governor of DKI Jakarta. "In fact, in contrast to Pak Prabowo, who did not want to shake hands with Mas Anies," he said.

Meanwhile, Prabowo, who has different views with Anies, is considered indifferent. "Mbak Puan shakes hands with Mr. Anies, it's actually Pak Prabowo who doesn't want to shake hands with Mr. Anies," he said.

As previously reported, Anies kept his chat with Puan a secret after shaking hands during the debate. "Yes, the story will be," said Anies in response to reporters' questions in Gorontalo Province, Monday, January 8, as quoted by Antara.

Anies then emphasized that he and Cak Imin, who was his deputy candidate, were only focused on realizing everything at the location. "Yes, if it's not there, I don't shake hands," he said.

"Because we automatically want to find where, so we welcome everything there, including Mbak Puan," concluded

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