Head of Central Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Asril Rizal confirmed that the explosion that hit a house on Jalan Karet Pasar Baru Barat 1, Roti Buaya alley, RT 02/06, Karet Tengsin Village, Tanah Abang District, Central Jakarta was caused by an explosion of gas cylinders.

The explosion occurred when the occupants of the house were about to turn on the lights because his house was dark.

"However, there was an electrical spark from the socket, which triggered the explosion. It is suspected that the gas cylinder leak was the main cause," said Asril to VOI, Sunday, January 7.

As a result of the explosion of the gas cylinder, three residents of the house suffered burns. The three victims were Deni (32), Itin (30) and Hanan (5).

"The three of them have been evacuated to the nearest hospital," he said.

Previously, it was reported that an explosion of gas cylinders that caused several residents to be injured occurred in a resident's house located on Jalan Karet Pasar Baru 1, Central Jakarta, Sunday, January 7.

According to information gathered temporarily, there were 3 victims as a result of this incident. The incident was recorded by the residents' amateur cameras.

In the video footage circulating, a 2-story house in a densely populated alley can be seen destroyed on the front.

The windows, doors and walls of the building were shattered. In fact, the rubble of the destroyed wall building also scattered to the access road of the residents' neighborhood.

"Gas exploded in a rented house, until it broke down. Inside the house was full of goods and gas," said one local resident, Sunday, January 7, noon.

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