Police Continue Investigation Of Alleged Corruption Gebyar Batik Pamekasan
Pamekasan Police Chief AKBP Jazuli Dana Iriawan/ANTARA. HO Police

Pamekasan Police Chief AKBP Jazuli Dani Iriawan stated that his party had begun to investigate the alleged corruption case of Gebyar Batik, written by Pamekasan, which was reported by the public to the institution with a total budget value of more than Rp. 1.5 billion.

"This case occurred before I served as the Head of the Pamekasan Police and now it has become a concern," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, January 6.

Gebyar batik wrote Pamekasan is an activity to promote batik to outside the region, namely (Java and Bali) conducted by the Pamekasan Regency Government with the aim of helping promote batik made by Pamekasan residents' handicrafts.

One of them, such as Gebyar Batik Pamekasan in the tourist area of Mount Bromo, Surabaya, Jakarta and Bali.

Allegations of corruption in this activity emerged because the parties involved were not original batik craftsmen, but were close people to Pamekasan Regency Government officials.

A wave of protests urged the police to investigate the case for about a week in a row to the Pamekasan Police Headquarters.

"Although the report was submitted before I served as the Head of the Pamekasan Police, as the successor to the previous leadership, we will definitely follow up what the public has reported to this institution. Therefore, it is a concern for further investigations," said the police chief.

In addition to the alleged corruption case in Pamekasan's batik gebyar activities, another case that has also attracted the attention of this institution is the handling of the alleged sale and purchase of hajj seats by individuals claiming to be state civil servants (ASN) at the Pamekasan Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) Office, as well as the case of beatings by village heads.

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